Legislative changes involving the legalization of marijuana have left employers wondering how their cannabis screening can still comply with the language of the laws. To complicate things even further, the language differs in each state or municipality. States with the most recent legal changes to workplace drug and alcohol screening programs include Delaware, Minnesota, and California. Employers should have a clear understanding of laws within each state and aim to design and implement processes and procedures that complement the language within company policies.


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A Quick Guide to Selecting a Drug Screening Provider

  1. What’s Inside Answers to ‘Why You Should Drug Test?’
  2. Your priorities vs providers strength.
  3. Considerations regarding ‘where’ and ‘when’ you do business.
  4. Discussion about the importance of third-party administrators.
  5. Discussion about Laboratories, MROs, and Collectors.

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    2022 In Search of X in Background Screening

    1. What’s Inside Most common reasons for implementing a policy and primary objectives.
    2. Written policy and examples of state requirements.
    3. Special policy considerations for states that have legalized use marijuana.
    4. Discussion of specimen types.
    5. Discussion of drug screening panels.
    6. Effective communication of policy.